Welcome to the CorrectExam documentation
A French 🇫🇷 version is also available.
CorrectExam is a tool to help with the correction of paper copies. Its primary aim is to enable students to receive quickly, more detailed feedback on their work, and teachers to see detailed analyses of assignments and questions. It’s a simple way of saving work in digital form, preserving the original work and enabling quick and easy viewing from anywhere.
The main features are as follows:
Have students consult corrected papers to learn from their mistakes,
Correct more accurately
Provide a statistical view of results
Enable on-the-fly changes to the grading scale
Correct more efficiently
simultaneous correction with colleagues
question by question
by batch
automated correction for MCQs
on tablet or computer
This documentation describes:
in the user manual section, the user documentation.
in the installation section, elements for compiling, installing and configuring the project
in the developement section, architectural elements to help you understand the project’s structure and see how to contribute.
This project is still in an active development phase.
User documentation
- The main stages to achieve to evaluate an exam
- Step 0: How do I create an account on the platform?
- Step 1: Create your course and exam (This includes creating your exam using a word processor (word, google doc, libreoffice) or latex ;)
- Step 2: Create your grading scale (how each question will be graded, typical comments per question, etc.)
- Step 3: Load scans of correctly ordered exam papers
- Step 4. Straighten your scans
- Step 5: Associate each copy with a student (AI-assisted)
- Step 6: Correct copies (question by question or student by student or any other combination)
- Step 7: View the statistics associated with passing the exam to potentially adjust the grading slightly
- Step 8: Sending feedback to students
- Step 9: Export grades in Excel format for transmission to school authorities
- Frequently asked questions for users
- How to create an account on the platform?
- How to create a module?
- Can I share a correction with one or more colleagues?
- Can I limit the rights of a colleague so that he can only access a subset of the questions?
- How to create an exam?
- Where can I find some templates for Word latex and libreoffice?
- Why am I forced to upload a list of students?
- Do I have to delete a student who did not compose?
- Can you explain the different types of questions that are available?
- Can I change the type of question when the correction of a question has started?
- Can I update my exam’s scale?
- How to clean the students’ scan if pages are missing, duplicate page, flipped page…?
- Can I reload a clean scan (see previous question) and realign it if I already start to correct an exam?
- What happens if my template has an odd number of pages (e.g. 3 pages) and the scan of the student sheets is a multiple of 2 (e.g. 4 page per student)
- How do I scan students’ sheets?
- Can I compose an exam template with another tool than word, libraoffice or latex?
- What to do when I encounter a bug in the application?
- Can I install the solution on my computer to avoid using the online version and correct offline (on the train, for example)?
- Can I destroy my data on the platform?
- What guarantees do I have that I won’t lose data in the event of a problem on the platform?
Installation (on a server)